Hello everyone. Interesting times here at Hensel Towers. As some of you no doubt already know (but I expect others don’t), I’ve moved to the deep south – Folkestone, on the Kent coast, to be precise. It’s nice here, and by the sea. It’s a long way from my previous home in the High Peak.
Wedding Photography in Kent – and Up North
I’ll be travelling back and forth a number of times for weddings and so on over the next couple of years, and given that this is actually quite a small country I’m still very happy to take bookings for weddings wherever they are. So, if you were thinking of passing my details on to anyone, please do!
Contact Details
My website and email address remain the same: www.timhenselphotography.com and tim@timhenselphotography.com
My mobile is the same – 07966 778445 – and the landline (does anyone still use those?) is now 01303 766130.
I also have a new office address, which is The Workshop, 32-40 Tontine Street, Folkestone, Kent CT19 6AX. As before, if you’d like to stop by to say hello please contact me!
Thank you
…for reading this post. Please feel free to share it with anyone you think should know!
Very best regards