Looking back to one of my summer weddings from 2015 today – this was before I moved down to Kent, and is Amy & Dan’s wedding Disley, Cheshire. A few of these photos made it into my “favourites of 2015” blog post at the start of this year (2016, in case you’re from the future and are reading this), but other than that they’re new to the blog. About time I got them up here, then, as there are some blinders! I particularly enjoyed the chance to stop and get some wedding photographs at Lyme Park, which was where they got engaged. Hats off to the National Trust for letting us in with a nod and a wave to take the pics 🙂 Also thank you to Danielle Byatte, who assisted me at this wedding.

I love this shot taken on Lyme Park’s impressively long driveway.
Fusion Movie
What, you might be asking, is a Fusion Movie? The simple answer is to click on the video below and find out…. but not wanting to appear facetious I’ll tell you. It’s essentially a slideshow of short video clips and still images, arranged in such a way as to tell the story of the wedding, and set to music. These are all the rage in America apparently, so are bound to catch on over here soon. They sometimes get called Fusion Films, or Fusion Slideshows too.
This is the first one I’ve made. I have others in the pipleline, and while I’m sure I’ll change a few things I’m still very pleased with the result here. I think it’s a really lovely way to show your wedding day, in a media-friendly shareable format. If you’d like to see some more, click here.
Otherwise, please click below, sit back, and enjoy.
Bridal Preparation
The day started, as it normally does (though no wedding day is ever normal) with Amy’s bridal prep at home. Entertainment provided by two small dogs and several bridesmaids, and a touching moment with her dad seeing her in her wedding dress for the first time.
Wedding Ceremony at St. George’s Church
From there, we travelled the short distance to St. George’s Church in New Mills. The ceremony was expertly presided over by the incomparable Father John, and the organ played by New Mills’s very own internationally acclaimed doctor of playing the organ Gordon Stewart. With me on camera duties (who else?), Gordon described this entirely accurately as The Dream Team.
This was followed by confetti, some family group pictures (as planned beforehand to ensure they’d run smoothly) and some photographs of Amy & Dan at the church before jetting off to Lyme Park just up the road in Disley.
Wedding Photography in Kent by Tim Hensel
The tree in the above picture is of particular significance, as it was this very spot where Amy & Dan actually got engaged. Lovely 🙂
Lyme Park is a fantastic location for wedding photography. It pays to wait for gaps in the inevitable traffic of people and cars, and is well worth the wait. I’d love to do a complete wedding here – anyone getting married at Lyme Park please contact me! Even though I’ve moved to Folkestone, Kent, I still travel up often 🙂
Kent Wedding Photographer
Disley Golf Club is a little further up the same road, so another short trip in the lovely vintage Jag provided by Classic Wedding Cars Cheshire for Amy & Dan and we were at our final destination for the day.
Natural wedding photos are the order of the day here, capturing people as they really are. I really like shooting at golf courses – sometimes not the prettiest buildings from the outside but there is always a lovely green expanse, and on this day the weather was kind to us. The terrace at Disley Golf Club is awesome, too.
I’m going to go slightly out of chronological order here – life on the edge for me! – and post the pictures of the first dance next, which was followed by Amy’s Father & Daughter dance with her Dad. This is a tradition at American weddings, and we don’t often see it here in sunny England, but it’s a lovely idea.
Wedding Photography in Kent
I just love these wedding photos of Amy & Dan with the golden sunlight behind them. At its best, natural light can’t be beaten.
That’s all Folks
Thank you for reading this post! If you didn’t watch the Fusion Movie, do go back to the top of the page and have a look. I think it’s a really lovely way to tell the story of the day, and I’m looking forward to doing more of these.
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Comments? Questions? Love it at Lyme Park and want to share an experience? Please comment below, and don’t forget to tick the “also post on Facebook” box 🙂
Finally, if you’re getting married and need wedding photography in Kent (or elsewhere for that matter) I’d love to hear from you. Please have a poke around my website and get in touch to see what I might be able to do for you.
Thanks for looking