I’m very pleased to announce the new mobile version of my website www.timhenselphotography.com went live in the early hours of this morning.
The URL is the same, www.timhenselphotography.com, but of course it’ll redirect if you click through to the site on a mobile device.
It contains much the same content as the “normal” site, as would reasonably be expected. There are the usual sections for Wedding Photography, Portrait Photography and so forth, and easily-tappable navigation buttons and so on. Other nice features are things like the option to call me by tapping on the phone number.
It’s nice to see my photos doing their thing on the small screen. The desktop site remains unaffected of course – I’m still as happy with that as I was when it was launched – but there are often formatting and functionality issues when trying to look at a big website on your phone. With almost everyone spending almost their entire lives looking at their phones, this has to be the way forward.
Anyway, here are some screen shots, although what you ought to do is go and have a gawp at it next time you’re fiddling with your phone (like now)
Oh yes, and I built it myself. So that’s nice, isn’t it?
Thanks for looking