Hello everyone. It occurred to me the other day that it’s been ages since I blogged a baby photography shoot, or indeed anything other than weddings. So I thought I might.
Heidi brought her parents Emma & Stefan to the studio, then promptly fell asleep. This is generally considered a bad move for most photo shoots, but for a newborn baby photo shoot it’s actually a good thing.
We were able to get a range of very natural baby photographs, I love the details such as tiny hands and feet and was pleased to see a heartfelt yawn at one point too.
We finished up with some family photographs, keeping the same very natural, relaxed vibe going.
I love the sense of scale the bottom right picture above gives, with Heidi’s tiny fingers holding Stefan’s comparatively large one.
A great job all round by Heidi, and indeed her parents, and I look forward to welcoming them back here as she grows.
If you like this sort of thing, or if you’ve got a tiny member of your family who needs photographing, you can see more of my baby photography here:Â https://www.timhenselphotography.com/portrait-photography/
Get in touch
A couple of years ago, I took my trusty camera, Japanese car collection, cats, children and wife (in that order) and defected to Kent to become a wedding photographer in Folkstone. Should you need the services of a wedding photographer in Kent, Folkestone or that general area, click the box below. However, I still shoot in the North and am happy to discuss weddings in any location. Click here to get in touch.