Hello everyone. You might well recall, if you’re an avid reader of this blog (and let’s face it, why wouldn’t you be?) that I recently posted a link to Amy & Dan’s wedding which contained something called a Wedding Fusion Movie.
What, you might be asking, is that? Well you’re in luck as I’m about to tell you. A Fusion Movie – or Fusion Film, or Fusion Slideshow, call it what you will – is essentially a combination (or fusion – see?) Â of still images with short video clips, and set to music. This produces something quite special, synergistic even (now there’s a word I don’t get to use every day).Â
Anyway, I’ve made another one. This is from a wedding I shot in 2015 – for the lovely Rachael & Dan – and I’ll stop blethering on so you can watch it.
Rachael & Dan's Wedding Fusion MovieRachael & Dan's wedding Fusion Movie 🙂 Shot at Cressbrook Hall Wedding Venue, ably assisted by Panny Drendergast. Please tag anyone else involved!
Posted by Tim Hensel Photography on Tuesday, 19 April 2016
Rachael (aka The Bride) was suitably impressed with her Fusion Movie, and was kind enough to make these comments:
Wedding Fusion Movies
That’s all for now Folks. What do you think of these Fusion Movies as a concept?
Like them? Would you have one for your wedding (do talk to me if so!)?Â
Please comment on this post in the box below, and please tick the “also post to Facebook” button too 🙂
Thanks for looking