Wedding Fusion Movies
Fusion is a way of telling the story of your wedding using a combination of still and moving images, fused together into one bite-size video for you to watch and share whenever and wherever you like.Â

What is a Fusion Movie?
A Fusion Movie – or Fusion Film, or Fusion Slideshow, call it what you will – is essentially a combination (or fusion) Â of still images with short video clips, and set to music.
I think it’s storytelling at its best: combining the perfect moments of natural wedding photos with moving images produces something truly special, personal, and the perfect showcase of your wedding day.
I love Fusion as a medium. To me it’s synergistic – greater than the sum of its parts. I find the photos take on a life of their own when set in the context of related moving images, and I truly believe it’s the perfect way to share the story of your wedding day.

Holly & Alistair
 Why would I want a Fusion Movie?
 Want to show people in one hit how amazing your wedding was?
This is how to do it.
In an increasingly online world something short, shareable and… erm… (I want to say shit-hot, but better not) is the order of the day.
It’s a fact that the internet has gone mobile (unless you’ve been living under a rock), with people spending entire days doing nothing but staring at their phones. While fusion movies work at any size – I like to watch them on the 100-inch projector screen in my studio – they’re perfect on a mobile or tablet, to show your friends and to share with them. They’re plugged in to the Wedding Apps I give my clients too, further increasing their portability.
It’s also perfect for those couples who don’t want to hire a videographer to shoot a full wedding video, but still want a film of their highlights. I’ll emphasise that it’s not a wedding video, nor is it intended to replace one. It’s something unique and stands on its own merits.

Rachael & Dan
Who is it for?
If you’re like me and want to do something that’s at the cutting edge, different to what most people do, this might be for you.
The advance in technology means that high-end DSLR cameras (such as the Canon 5Ds I favour) are able to shooting really good quality video as well as traditional still images. Most wedding photographers simply ignore this capability, and leave video to the video guys. To my mind they’re only using half their camera. I also like to use a couple of Go-Pro type action cameras here and there.

Bridal Fashion Shoot
Wedding Fusion Films – Fusion Slideshows – Wedding Photofilms
This is a young artform, in the UK especially, so even the name hasn’t been properly pinned down yet.
They’ve been popular in the USA for some time now, but have yet to really catch on over here. I aim to be at the forefront of changing that.

Amy & Dan
Yes Please
It’s best seen as an add-on item – I’ll shoot the Fusion Movie alongside your photographs, often with the help of an assistant – and you still get all the photos in addition to the movie.
A fusion movie can be added to any wedding package, and is typically 5-10 minutes long.
Want one for your wedding? Contact me for a chat and we can make it happen.

This Is Me
Not actually a fusion movie, but following the same principles with a few twists and turns along the way. This is the film I made about myself.

The Weddings
For the sake of completeness – and because you might want to see them – here are the weddings at which the fusion movies above were shot.
Please Contact Me
If you love the idea of a Fusion Movie of your own wedding, I’d love to talk to you about it. Schedule a consultation using the button below.