Picking up today on another of my weddings from the super busy summer of 2015, when Holly & Alistair asked me to shoot their wedding photography at Lewes Town Hall in Sussex. This was a special one for me in a couple of ways – first, I’ve known Holly since the year dot (I’m told she knew me before I was born, when she was a very small girl); and second I’m originally from Sussex so it was lovely to get back to my roots and my old stamping ground.

creative wedding photography sussex
I love this shot of Holly & Alistair at Lewes Town Hall in Sussex. One of my favourite images of 2015, it encapsulates the natural, relaxed feel of their wedding.
 Featured in Ultimate Wedding Magazine
Really pleased to say that this wedding now appears in Ultimate Wedding Magazine! Have a look at it on their site here.
Wedding Fusion Movie
Followers of my blog will know that I’ve spent some time recently developing my interest in the medium of Fusion Movies for weddings. Also known as a Fusion Film, these differ from what some people call a “wedding photofilm” (which is really just a slideshow of still pictures) in that short video clips are incorporated with the photos. This produces, I think, a really lovely medium through which to tell the story of the wedding day. This was actually the first one I ever shot, although it’s not the first one I’ve posted here on the blog. The music is from their band on the day, Noble Jacks, who kindly agreed to let me use it in the movie.
Click play and enjoy 🙂
Wedding Photography at Lewes Town Hall & Lewes Castle in Sussex
…but we’ll get to those later. The day began, as is so often the case, at the bride’s house. The extremely cute small girl is Holly & Alistair’s daughter, Flora. More of her later too 🙂
Wedding Photography at Lewes Town Hall
We then moved on to Lewes Town Hall for the wedding ceremony. An impressive building in itself, although unfortunately covered in scaffolding (hence no outside shots of it!)
Wedding Photography at Lewes Castle
After a short, lovely ceremony and the congratulations and so forth afterwards, we all walked the short distance up the High Street to Lewes Castle. I love this sort of thing – a wedding day breaking into normal life for a while, and the juxtaposition of a bride and groom in a bustling town centre.
After a few mandatory family groups, Holly, Alistair and I took a few minutes out to shoot some bridal portraits with just them (and Flora). Awesome stuff – a perfect setting matched to a beautiful couple.
Wedding Photography at Trading Boundaries, Sussex
We then dispatched ourselves to Trading Boundaries, for the reception. Here we encountered their most excellent band, Noble Jacks, playing as a 2 piece (they also appeared later on as a full band, which was nice).
You’ll probably wonder what the best man is doing by the tree with the beer (I certainly did…) – apparently it’s a Sussex tradition to pour a pint of ale at the foot of an oak tree on a wedding day for good luck. So now we know 🙂
Natural wedding photography in Sussex
A ceilidh (is that how you spell it?) was the perfect end to a perfect day.
Creative Wedding Photography in Sussex
As my fans will know, I like to wait until the light starts to go and get some creative low-light wedding photos at the end of the day. This time was no exception, and the gardens at Trading Boundaries provided an ideal spot.
Wedding Photography at Lewes Town Hall
That’s all from Holly & Alistair’s amazing wedding at Lewes Town Hall, castle and Trading Boundaries. As I mentioned at the beginning, a special one for me, and lovely to see so many people I know well but never see. It was also lovely to see a wedding done “their way”, as individual as they are. So that’s, as I often like to say, nice 🙂
If you’re getting married in Sussex – or anywhere for that matter – , I’d love to hear from you, and to photograph your wedding if you’d like to give me the opportunity to do so. Please contact me for a chat and we’ll make it happen.
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Thanks for looking.
Get in touch
A couple of years ago, I took my trusty camera, Japanese car collection, cats, children and wife (in that order) and defected to Kent to become a wedding photographer in Folkstone. Should you need the services of a wedding photographer in Kent, Folkestone or that general area, click the box below. However, I still shoot in the North and am happy to discuss weddings in any location. Click here to get in touch.